Datum Källa Rubrik Typ Alternativ
2023-06-29 Lipidor Lipidor – Besked om kortsiktig finansiering Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-29 Lipidor Lipidor – Announcement of short-term funding Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-22 Lipidor Lipidor – Läkemedelsverket bekräftar den kliniska planen för ny version av AKP02 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-22 Lipidor Lipidor – Swedish Medical Products Agency confirms clinical plan for new version of AKP02 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-08 Lipidor Kommuniké från årsstämma i Lipidor AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-08 Lipidor Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting of Lipidor AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-26 Lipidor Lipidor uppdaterar om utvecklingen för AKP02 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-26 Lipidor Lipidor updates on development of AKP02 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-11 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for Q1 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-11 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för första kvartalet 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-09 Lipidor NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-09 Lipidor KALLELSE TILL ÅRSSTÄMMA I LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-04-26 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör årsredovisning för 2022 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-04-26 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes annual report for 2022 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-02-22 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes year-end report for 2022 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-02-22 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör bokslutskommuniké för 2022 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-01-17 Lipidor Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Lipidor AB (publ) Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-01-17 Lipidor Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting of Lipidor AB (publ) Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-23 Lipidor NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING IN LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-23 Lipidor KALLELSE TILL EXTRA BOLAGSSTÄMMA I LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-23 Lipidor The Board of Lipidor resolves to summon an Extraordinary General Meeting for approval of the sale of subsidiary shares to major owners Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-23 Lipidor Styrelsen i Lipidor beslutar om att kalla till extra bolagsstämma för godkännande av försäljning av dotterbolagsaktier till större ägare Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-14 Lipidor Lipidor secures bridge financing of at least SEK 5 million through loans and subsidiary share sales, and takes cost-saving measures including staff layoffs Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-14 Lipidor Lipidor säkrar bryggfinansiering om minst 5 MSEK genom lån och försäljning av dotterbolagsaktier samt vidtar åtgärder för kostnadsbesparing inklusive uppsägningar av personal Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-08 Lipidor Lipidor presenterar valberedningen Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-08 Lipidor Lipidor presents Nomination Committee Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-11-23 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2022 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-11-23 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for third quarter 2022 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-11-15 Lipidor Lipidor provides update following outcome of Phase III study of psoriasis candidate AKP02 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
Analyser | 15 Nov 2022 | Lipidor

Lipidor provides update following outcome of Phase III study of psoriasis candidate AKP02

STOCKHOLM, 15 November 2022 – On October 28, Lipidor AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: LIPI) announced that the Phase III study with the combination preparation AKP02 did not achieve the criterion of equivalent therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of psoriasis compared to the market-leading reference product. However, the study results show that AKP02 has good efficacy in comparison with placebo and there is support for claiming efficacy on par with other psoriasis products. The company’s assessment is that AKP02 still has significant potential and the goal is to continue to realize that value. Intensive work is underway to investigate the conditions for this, which includes strategy and financing.

Initial dialogue has been conducted with the company’s commercial partner RELIFE, a company in the Menarini Group, which has taken note of Lipidor’s conclusion that both the AKVANO® technology and the specific formulation work and furthermore stand up well in comparison with other psoriasis products. Discussions are at an early stage and include regulatory and market considerations.

The Lipidor Board of Directors is now investigating various options to finance the company’s continued operations and continued work on AKP02. It remains the board’s opinion that the company’s project portfolio includes several programs with significant market potential and thus great value. Among other things, this applies to the program in the acne area and other projects where the company has or is looking for partners. It is also noted that Lipidor’s subsidiary Emollivet, which has launched products for the treatment of skin conditions in animals, is developing in a positive way and shows that AKVANO® technology is extremely well-suited for these applications.

“With the study results, our position is that the drug candidate AKP02 compares well with several existing preparations on the market,” says the company’s CEO, Ola Holmlund. “We work with a solution-oriented, fact-based approach, and remain optimistic. Intensive internal work is underway on strategy, business plan, costs and financing to take advantage of the company’s opportunities and value in the best way.”


This information was provided for publication by Lipidor’s CEO on 15 November 2022 at 8.00am CET.

2022-11-15 Lipidor Lipidor lämnar uppdatering efter utfall av Fas III-studien med psoriasiskandidaten AKP02 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-10-28 Lipidor Lipidor meddelar resultat från bolagets kliniska Fas III-studie av AKP02 mot psoriasis Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-10-28 Lipidor Lipidor announces results from the company's clinical Phase III study of AKP02 for psoriasis Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-10-07 Lipidor Emollivet reaches milestone of over 1,000 products sold and prepares for scaled-up production Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-10-07 Lipidor Emollivet når milstolpe med över 1000 sålda produkter och förbereder nu för uppskalad produktion Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-09-29 Lipidor Lipidor updates on Phase III clinical study of psoriasis candidate AKP02 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-09-29 Lipidor Lipidor uppdaterar om sin kliniska Fas III-studie med psoriasiskandidaten AKP02 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-25 Lipidor Lipidor appoints new CFO Charlotta Ekman Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-25 Lipidor Lipidor utser Charlotta Ekman som ny Chief Financial Officer Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-24 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för andra kvartalet 2022 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-24 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for second quarter 2022 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-23 Lipidor Samtliga patienter i Lipidors Fas III-studie med psoriasiskandidaten AKP02 är färdigbehandlade Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-23 Lipidor All patients in Lipidor's Phase III study with psoriasis candidate AKP02 have completed treatment Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng

Kommande händelser

28 Aug 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q2
20 Nov 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q3