Datum Källa Rubrik Typ Alternativ
2023-06-29 Lipidor Lipidor – Besked om kortsiktig finansiering Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-29 Lipidor Lipidor – Announcement of short-term funding Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-22 Lipidor Lipidor – Läkemedelsverket bekräftar den kliniska planen för ny version av AKP02 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-22 Lipidor Lipidor – Swedish Medical Products Agency confirms clinical plan for new version of AKP02 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-08 Lipidor Kommuniké från årsstämma i Lipidor AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-08 Lipidor Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting of Lipidor AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
Pressreleaser | 8 Jun 2023 | Lipidor

Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting of Lipidor AB (publ)

The following resolutions were passed at the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) of Lipidor AB (publ) (the “Company”) on 8 June 2023 in Stockholm.

Adoption of income statement and balance sheet and discharge from liability
The AGM resolved to adopt the income statement for the financial year 2022 as well as the balance sheet as of 31 December 2022. The members of the Board of Directors and the managing director were discharged from liability for the financial year 2022.

Allocation of profit or loss
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, that no dividend shall be paid for 2022 and that the results of the Company shall be carried forward.

Board of Directors and auditor
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, on re-election of Fredrik Sjövall, Denis Angioletti, Ola Flink, Gunilla Lundmark and Otto Skolling as board members. Fredrik Sjövall was re-elected as the chairman of the Board of Directors. The AGM re-elected the audit firm Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor.

The AGM further resolved on remuneration to the Board of Directors in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal. The AGM furthermore resolved in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, that remuneration to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved statement of costs.

Nomination Committee for the next Annual General Meeting
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, on principles for appointing the Nomination Committee, meaning that the principles adopted at the AGM 2020 shall continue to apply also for the AGM 2024.

Resolution on issue authorization
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, to authorize the Board of Directors to, at one or several occasions and for the period up until the next annual general meeting, resolve to increase the Company’s share capital by issuing new shares, warrants or convertibles. Such issue resolution may be carried out with or without deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights and with or without provisions for contribution in kind, set-off or other conditions. The total number of shares that may be issued, or, in the event of an issue of warrants or convertibles, any additional shares after exercise of any warrant or conversion, pursuant to the authorization, shall be limited to 20 percent of the number of shares in the Company at the time of the AGM 2023.

The purpose of the authorization is to increase the Company’s financial flexibility and the Board of Directors’ room for action. Should the Board of Directors resolve on a share issue with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights, the reason for this shall be to broaden the ownership structure, procure working capital, increase the liquidity of the share or acquire businesses, or enable the acquiring of capital for acquisitions.

The information was provided for publication by Lipidor’s CEO on 8 June 2023 at 3.45pm (CEST).

2023-05-26 Lipidor Lipidor uppdaterar om utvecklingen för AKP02 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-26 Lipidor Lipidor updates on development of AKP02 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-11 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for Q1 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-11 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för första kvartalet 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-09 Lipidor NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-05-09 Lipidor KALLELSE TILL ÅRSSTÄMMA I LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-04-26 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör årsredovisning för 2022 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-04-26 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes annual report for 2022 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-02-22 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes year-end report for 2022 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-02-22 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör bokslutskommuniké för 2022 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-01-17 Lipidor Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Lipidor AB (publ) Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-01-17 Lipidor Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting of Lipidor AB (publ) Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-23 Lipidor NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING IN LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-23 Lipidor KALLELSE TILL EXTRA BOLAGSSTÄMMA I LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-23 Lipidor The Board of Lipidor resolves to summon an Extraordinary General Meeting for approval of the sale of subsidiary shares to major owners Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-23 Lipidor Styrelsen i Lipidor beslutar om att kalla till extra bolagsstämma för godkännande av försäljning av dotterbolagsaktier till större ägare Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-14 Lipidor Lipidor secures bridge financing of at least SEK 5 million through loans and subsidiary share sales, and takes cost-saving measures including staff layoffs Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-14 Lipidor Lipidor säkrar bryggfinansiering om minst 5 MSEK genom lån och försäljning av dotterbolagsaktier samt vidtar åtgärder för kostnadsbesparing inklusive uppsägningar av personal Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-08 Lipidor Lipidor presenterar valberedningen Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-12-08 Lipidor Lipidor presents Nomination Committee Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-11-23 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2022 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-11-23 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for third quarter 2022 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-11-15 Lipidor Lipidor provides update following outcome of Phase III study of psoriasis candidate AKP02 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-11-15 Lipidor Lipidor lämnar uppdatering efter utfall av Fas III-studien med psoriasiskandidaten AKP02 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-10-28 Lipidor Lipidor meddelar resultat från bolagets kliniska Fas III-studie av AKP02 mot psoriasis Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-10-28 Lipidor Lipidor announces results from the company's clinical Phase III study of AKP02 for psoriasis Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-10-07 Lipidor Emollivet reaches milestone of over 1,000 products sold and prepares for scaled-up production Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-10-07 Lipidor Emollivet når milstolpe med över 1000 sålda produkter och förbereder nu för uppskalad produktion Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-09-29 Lipidor Lipidor updates on Phase III clinical study of psoriasis candidate AKP02 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-09-29 Lipidor Lipidor uppdaterar om sin kliniska Fas III-studie med psoriasiskandidaten AKP02 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-25 Lipidor Lipidor appoints new CFO Charlotta Ekman Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-25 Lipidor Lipidor utser Charlotta Ekman som ny Chief Financial Officer Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-24 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för andra kvartalet 2022 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-24 Lipidor Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for second quarter 2022 Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-23 Lipidor Samtliga patienter i Lipidors Fas III-studie med psoriasiskandidaten AKP02 är färdigbehandlade Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2022-08-23 Lipidor All patients in Lipidor's Phase III study with psoriasis candidate AKP02 have completed treatment Analyser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng

Kommande händelser

28 Aug 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q2
20 Nov 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q3