Datum | Källa | Rubrik | Typ | Alternativ |
2024-06-13 | Lipidor | Lipidor offentliggör slutligt utfall i företrädesemissionen | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-06-13 | Lipidor | Lipidor announces final outcome in the rights issue | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-06-12 | Lipidor | Lipidor announces preliminary outcome in the rights issue | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-06-12 | Lipidor | Lipidor offentliggör preliminärt utfall i företrädesemissionen | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-06-07 | Lipidor | Sista dag för handel med uniträtter i Lipidors företrädesemission | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-06-07 | Lipidor | Last day of trading in unit rights in Lipidor's rights issue | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-06-05 | Lipidor | Kommuniké från årsstämma i Lipidor AB (publ) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-06-05 | Lipidor | Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting of Lipidor AB (publ) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
Pressreleaser |
Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting of Lipidor AB (publ)The following resolutions were passed at the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) of Lipidor AB (publ) (the “Company”) on 5 June 2024 in Stockholm. Adoption of income statement and balance sheet and discharge from liability Allocation of profit or loss Board of Directors and auditor The AGM further resolved on remuneration to the Board of Directors in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal. The AGM furthermore resolved in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, that remuneration to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved statement of costs. Nomination Committee for the next Annual General Meeting Resolutions on issue authorizations The purpose of the authorization is to increase the Company’s financial flexibility and the Board of Directors’ room for action. Should the Board of Directors resolve on a share issue with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights, the reason for this shall be to broaden the ownership structure, procure working capital, increase the liquidity of the share or acquire businesses, or enable the acquiring of capital for acquisitions. The AGM further resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, to authorize the Board of Directors to, during the period up to the next AGM and in addition to the authorization described above, on one or several occasions, resolve on a new issue of shares. New issues of shares by virtue of the authorisation may be made with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights, against payment in cash, through set-off, with capital contributed in kind, or otherwise as per conditions pursuant to Chapter 2, section 5, second paragraph, items 1-3 and 5 of the Swedish Companies Act. The purpose of the authorization is to enable the Company to pay underwriting compensation in the Company’s shares to underwriters (the “Underwriters”) who have fulfilled their underwriting undertakings in the rights issue of units resolved by the Board of Directors on 10 April 2024 and approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on 21 May 2024. Should the Board of Directors resolve on a share issue with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights, the reason for this shall be to fulfil the Company’s obligation to pay underwriting compensation in the Company’s shares in accordance with the terms of the underwriting undertaking agreements between the Underwriters and the Company. Resolution on reduction of the share capital Resolution on amendment of the Articles of Association |
2024-05-29 | Lipidor | Lipidor invites to digital presentations with Q&A | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-29 | Lipidor | Lipidor bjuder in till digitala investerarpresentationer med möjlighet att ställa frågor | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-29 | Lipidor | Idag inleds teckningsperioden i Lipidors företrädesemission | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-29 | Lipidor | Today the subscription period in Lipidor's rights issue begins | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-24 | Lipidor | Lipidor publishes prospectus due to upcoming rights issue of units | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-24 | Lipidor | Lipidor offentliggör prospekt med anledning av förestående företrädesemission av units | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-22 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for Q1 2024 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-22 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för Q1 2024 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-21 | Lipidor | Bulletin from the Extraordinary General Meeting of Lipidor AB (publ) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-21 | Lipidor | Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Lipidor AB (publ) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-20 | Lipidor | Lipidor: Frågestund med Ola Holmlund | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-15 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör årsredovisning för 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-15 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) publishes annual report for 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-13 | Lipidor | Rättelse: Lipidor: Bolagspresentation med Ola Holmlund | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-13 | Lipidor | Lipidor: Bolagspresentation med Ola Holmlund | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-07 | Lipidor | NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-05-07 | Lipidor | KALLELSE TILL ÅRSSTÄMMA I LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-04-22 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB meddelar nytt datum för publicering av årsredovisning för 2023 | Financial Calendar | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-04-22 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB announces new date for publication of Annual Report 2023 | Financial Calendar | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-04-10 | Lipidor | NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING IN LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-04-10 | Lipidor | KALLELSE TILL EXTRA BOLAGSSTÄMMA I LIPIDOR AB (PUBL) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-04-10 | Lipidor | Lipidor beslutar om företrädesemission om cirka 58,0 MSEK och ingår avtal om co-investering vilka säkerställer finansiering för genomförandet av kommande fas III-studie | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-04-10 | Lipidor | Lipidor resolves on a rights issue of approximately SEK 58.0 million and enters into a co-investment agreement which secures funding for the implementation of the upcoming phase III study | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-03-26 | Lipidor | Lipidor slutför planerad avyttring av aktier i Emollivet | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-03-26 | Lipidor | Lipidor completes planned divestment of shares in Emollivet | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-03-21 | Lipidor | Lipidor announces approval for start of Phase III clinical trial of psoriasis candidate AKP02G2 | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-03-21 | Lipidor | Lipidor meddelar godkännande för start av klinisk Fas III-studie med psoriasiskandidaten AKP02G2 | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-03-06 | Lipidor | Lipidor adds capital through sale of shares | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-03-06 | Lipidor | Lipidor tillförs kapital genom försäljning av andelar | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-02-28 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) publishes year-end report for 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-02-28 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör bokslutskommuniké för 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-01-24 | Lipidor | Lipidor genomför affär för 1,7 MSEK avseende patent relaterat till djursegmentet | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2024-01-24 | Lipidor | Lipidor completes SEK 1.7 million sale of animal segment patent | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-12-21 | Lipidor | Lipidor tillförs 1,1 MSEK genom försäljning av andelar i intresseföretag samt upptagande av lån | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-12-21 | Lipidor | Lipidor adds 1.1 MSEK through sale of shares in associated company and agreement of loan | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-12-20 | Lipidor | Lipidor ansöker till den indiska läkemedelsmyndigheten om att få starta en Fas III-studie av AKP02G2 | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-12-20 | Lipidor | Lipidor applies to the Indian Medical Products Agency to start a Phase III study of AKP02G2 | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-12-05 | Lipidor | Lipidor presenterar valberedningen | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-12-05 | Lipidor | Lipidor presents Nomination Committee | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-11-30 | Lipidor | Lipidor byter Certified Adviser till Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-11-30 | Lipidor | Lipidor changes Certified Adviser to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-11-22 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for Q3 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-11-22 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-10-27 | Lipidor | Lipidor lämnar in en ny patentansökan | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-10-27 | Lipidor | Lipidor submits new patent application | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-10-18 | Lipidor | Lipidor förlänger och utökar samarbetet med RELIFE | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-10-18 | Lipidor | Lipidor extends and expands cooperation with RELIFE | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-09-20 | Lipidor | Lipidor tecknar avtal för klinisk fas III-studie | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-09-20 | Lipidor | Lipidor signs agreement for clinical phase III study | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-08-23 | Lipidor | Rättelse: Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för andra kvartalet 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-08-23 | Lipidor | Correction: Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for Q2 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-08-23 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) publishes interim report for Q2 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-08-23 | Lipidor | Lipidor AB (publ) offentliggör delårsrapport för andra kvartalet 2023 | Rapporter | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-06-29 | Lipidor | Lipidor – Besked om kortsiktig finansiering | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-06-29 | Lipidor | Lipidor – Announcement of short-term funding | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-06-22 | Lipidor | Lipidor – Läkemedelsverket bekräftar den kliniska planen för ny version av AKP02 | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |
2023-06-22 | Lipidor | Lipidor – Swedish Medical Products Agency confirms clinical plan for new version of AKP02 | Pressreleaser | Ladda ner | Visa Stäng |