Datum Källa Rubrik Typ Alternativ
2024-03-22 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ) ansöker om konkurs Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-03-22 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ) files for bankruptcy Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-03-05 Coala Life Coala Life flyttar fram publicering av bokslutskommuniké för 2023 till den 26 mars Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-03-05 Coala Life Coala Life postpones the publication of year-end report for 2023 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-27 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB beslutar om riktade nyemissioner mot betalning genom kvittning av skulder om totalt 17 MSEK till en teckningskurs om 0,063 SEK per ny aktie Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-27 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB resolves on directed new share issues against payment through set-off of debts amounting to SEK 17 million at a subscription price of SEK 0.063 per new share Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-12 Coala Life Coala Life postpones the publication of year-end report for 2023 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-12 Coala Life Coala Life flyttar fram publicering av bokslutskommuniké för 2023 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-07 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ)’s rights issue is registered and the last day of trading in paid subscribed units will be February 8, 2024 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-07 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ)s företrädesemission är registrerad och sista dag för handel i BTU är den 8 februari 2024 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-01 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB secures liquidity of approx SEK 27,3 M through conversion and partial extension of bridge loans as well as new loan financing with set-off commitments. The company also provides an update Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-01 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB säkrar likviditet om ca 27,3 MSEK genom konvertering och delförlängning av brygglån samt ny lånefinansiering med kvittningsåtagande. Bolaget ger även en framtidsuppdatering Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-01 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB genomför riktad nyemission av aktier till garanter i genomförd företrädesemission Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-01 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB carries out a directed issue of shares to guarantors in rights issue Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-25 Redeye Redeye: Coala Life - Refilled growth capital Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-23 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB offentliggör slutligt utfall i företrädesemission Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-23 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB announces final outcome of rights issue Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-22 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB offentliggör preliminärt utfall i företrädesemission Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-22 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB announces preliminary outcome of rights issue Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-10 Coala Life CoalaLife signs an agreement with an US clinic to monitor an initial 400 patients under RPM and PCM Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-10 Coala Life CoalaLife tecknar avtal med en amerikansk klinik för att initialt monitorera 400 patienter inom RPM och PCM Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-08 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ): Today, subscription period in Coala Life's rights issue begins Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-08 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ): Idag inleds teckningsperioden i Coala Lifes företrädesemission Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-04 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ) publishes prospectus in respect of rights issue and updates previously communicated information regarding the use of proceeds Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-04 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ) offentliggör prospekt med anledning av företrädesemission och uppdaterar tidigare kommunicerad information om emissionslikvidens användande Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-03 Coala Life Coala Life nyckeltal november USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-03 Coala Life Coala Life November monthly KPI´s USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-29 Coala Life Coala Life continues the Swedish cost reduction program and CTO & International Sales and Marketing Director leaves the company Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-29 Coala Life Coala Life fortsätter svenska kostnadsbesparingar och CTO & International Sales and Marketing Director lämnar bolaget Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-22 Coala Life Extra bolagsstämma har hållits i Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-22 Coala Life Extraordinary general meeting held in Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-30 Coala Life Coala Life byter Certified Adviser till Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-30 Coala Life Coala Life changes Certified Adviser to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-23 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB quarter three 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-23 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB Kvartalsrapport tre 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-22 Coala Life KALLELSE TILL EXTRA BOLAGSSTÄMMA I COALA-LIFE GROUP AB (PUBL) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-21 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ) proposes upcoming extraordinary general meeting to resolve on a rights issue of approximately SEK 75.4 million and has secured bridge financing Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-21 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB (publ) föreslår kommande extra bolagsstämma att fatta beslut om företrädesemission om cirka 75,4 MSEK samt har upptagit bryggfinansiering Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-21 Coala Life Coala Life nyckeltal oktober USA och preliminära siffror kvartal 3 2023 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-21 Coala Life Coala Life October monthly KPI´s USA and preliminary figures Q3 2023 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-10-30 Coala Life Coala Life nyckeltal september USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-10-30 Coala Life Coala Life Key Figures September USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-25 Coala Life Teckningsoptioner av serie TO 1 utnyttjades till cirka 45 procent och Coala Life tillförs cirka 6,2 MSEK Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-25 Coala Life Warrants of series TO 1 exercised to a degree of approximately 45 per cent and Coala Life receives approximately SEK 6.2 million Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-22 Coala Life VD köper teckningsrätter och tecknar aktier i Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-22 Coala Life CEO buys subscription rights and subscribes for shares in Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-19 Coala Life Coala Life erhåller teckningsförbindelser och avsiktsförklaringar avseende utnyttjandet av teckningsoptioner om cirka 5,6 MSEK Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-19 Coala Life Coala Life receives subscription commitments and declarations of intent to subscribe through exercise of warrants amounting to approximately SEK 5.6 million Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-19 Coala Life Coala-Life upptar brygglån om 5 MSEK för att säkra kortsiktigt likviditetsbehov Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-19 Coala Life Coala-Life has entered into an agreement on a bridge loan of SEK 5 million to secure short-term liquidity needs Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-14 Coala Life Coala Life August monthly KPI’s USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-14 Coala Life Coala Life nyckeltal augusti USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-11 Coala Life Utnyttjandeperioden för Coala-Life Groups teckningsoptioner av serie TO 1 inleds idag Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-11 Coala Life The exercise period for warrants series TO 1 in Coala-Life begins today Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-11 Coala Life Coala Life sänker bolagets totala kostnader med omkring 30% Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-11 Coala Life Coala Life reduces the company's total costs with around 30% Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-05 Coala Life VD tecknar aktier i Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-05 Coala Life CEO subscribes for shares in Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-01 Coala Life Coala Life's CFO is leaving the company Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-01 Coala Life Coala Lifes CFO lämnar bolaget Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-24 Coala Life VD köper aktier i Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-24 Coala Life CEO buys shares in Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-21 Coala Life Coala Life July monthly KPI’s USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-21 Coala Life Coala Life nyckeltal juli USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-15 Coala Life Correction: Coala-Life Group AB, quarter two 2023. -Gross profit and subsequent profit measures, SEK 1.4 million better after correction. Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
Rapporter | 15 Aug 2023 | Coala Life

Correction: Coala-Life Group AB, quarter two 2023. -Gross profit and subsequent profit measures, SEK 1.4 million better after correction.

Coala Life issues corrections to Coala Life’s Quarterly Report Two 2023 published on August 11 and to the press release ”Coala-Life Group AB quarter two 2023” with the same publication date. Gross profit and subsequent profit measures, SEK 1.4 million better after correction.

The quarterly report contained incorrect information regarding the Group’s costs and thus also the Group’s earnings. The company reported too high costs in change inventories in the second quarter of SEK 1.4 million that should have been handled as an internal transaction and should have been eliminated in the consolidation of the company’s figures. This resulted in higher costs and lower earnings for the company. Change in inventories amounted to SEK -4.2 million before correction and after correction to SEK -2.8 million. All profit measures in the income statement improved by SEK 1.4 million, as the following corrected press release.

The company has corrected the information and published a new version of the quarterly report https://investors.coalalife.com/en/investor-relations/financial-reports-and-presentations/ .

Corrected press release can be found below.

Second quarter 2023

  • Net sales increased to SEK 14.1 M (1.6).
  • EBITDA amounted to SEK -28.4 M (-40.7).
  • Operating income totaled SEK -30.9 M (-41.4).
  • Profit after tax was SEK -27.8 M (-38.5).
  • Earnings per share was SEK -0.1 (-0.6).
  • Cash flow from operating activities was SEK -27.3 M (-50.9).

The period, January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2023

  • Net sales increased to SEK 25.7 M (2.4).
  • EBITDA amounted to SEK -60.6 M (-71.6).
  • Operating income totaled SEK -64.8 M (-73.4).
  • Profit after tax was SEK -62.9 M (-70.1).
  • Earnings per share was SEK -0.3 (-1.3).
  • Cash flow from operating activities was SEK -58.7 M (-86.4).

Events in the quarter

  • On June 9, the company announced that it had signed an agreement for financing of trade receivables in the US for up to USD 4 million.
  • On May 26, it was announced that the company was one of three partners selected to participate in a pilot project as part of a digital venture in remote patient monitoring being conducted by Region Stockholm.

Events after the end of the quarter

  • On August 2, the company announced that Emma Strömfeldt had resigned as a Board member of Coala Life Group AB (publ).
  • On July 11, the company issued a notice to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting on July 31 for a resolution on a directed new share issue for some of the company’s largest owners. The directed new share issue was approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting, which will raise SEK 17 M for the company, less transaction costs.

Extract from comments from the CEO, Dan Pitulia
Coala Life’s main focus is the US market with over 120 million Americans affected by chronic cardiovascular diseases. To qualify as a patient for Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), you must have an acute or chronic illness, something almost half the U.S. population has. Coala Life offers a full-service service – Managed RPM – for remote monitoring of chronically ill patients in a home environment. It provides patients and healthcare with solutions for non-invasive and patient-centered predictive decision support that, with the help of algorithms, creates the conditions to be able to predict heart and lung diseases and thus help to avoid disease progression. Our strategic goal is to radically improve the quality of life and clinical outcomes for the millions of patients affected by chronic or acute cardiovascular and other diseases.

The US RPM market is a market in strong growth and according to a recently published report from the global healthcare consulting firm Medi-Tech Insight, the US market for remote patient monitoring (RPM) will grow at a faster pace than previously expected. It is projected to reach over $18 billion by 2026 with an annual growth rate of 25%. The report supports our strategy in the US RPM market and is in line with our own analysis based on the interest we meet from US clinics.

Comments from our CEO can be read in full in the interim report.
The interim report is available on the company´s website:

About us

Coala-Life Group AB (“Coala Life” or the “Company”) founded in 2015, is a Cloud Based Software as a Service provider, and medical device developer and reseller, listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The Company focuses on B2B solutions for managed Remote Patient Monitoring (“RPM”), offering medical care providers, primarily in the US, with a highly scalable, cost-efficient platform to remotely and virtually manage large volumes of patients suffering from chronic diseases. The company offers care providers a comprehensive solution and lifts the administrative work from the care providers regarding, amongst other things, follow-up, 24/7 monitoring, as well as the reimbursement process from state and private health insurance companies. Patients are monitored long-term in everyday life and typically have diabetes, obesity, and/or cardiovascular disease. 
For more information see  www.coalalife.com

For more information, please contact:

Dan Pitulia, CEO Coala Life AB
+44 7849 257 532,  dan.pitulia@coalalife.com
Richard Roa, CFO Coala Life AB
+46 70 816 61 45,  richard.roa@coalalife.com

Certified Adviser
The company’s Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank AB.

2023-08-15 Coala Life Rättelse: Coala-Life Group AB, Kvartalsrapport två 2023. -Bruttoresultatet samt efterföljande resultatmått, 1,4 MSEK bättre efter korrigering. Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-11 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB Kvartalsrapport två 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-11 Coala Life Coala-Life Group AB quarter two 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-02 Coala Life Emma Strömfelt avgår som styrelseledamot i Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-02 Coala Life Emma Strömfelt resigns as board member of Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-31 Coala Life Extraordinary general meeting held in Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-31 Coala Life Extra bolagsstämma har hållits i Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-11 Coala Life Styrelsen i Coala-Life Group AB genomför en riktad nyemission av aktier om 17 miljoner kronor till tiodagars VWAP utan rabatt under förutsättning av bolagsstämmans efterföljande godkännande Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-11 Coala Life The board of directors of Coala-Life Group AB carries out a directed new share issue of SEK 17 million at a 10-day VWAP without discount, subject to the general meeting’s subsequent approval Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-11 Coala Life KALLELSE TILL EXTRA BOLAGSSTÄMMA I COALA-LIFE GROUP AB (PUBL) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-07 Coala Life Coala Life nyckeltal juni USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-07 Coala Life Coala Life June monthly KPI’s USA Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-30 Coala Life VD köper aktier i Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-06-30 Coala Life CEO buys shares in Coala-Life Group AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng