Ziccums affärsidé är att utveckla nya beredningar av biologiska läkemedel genom bolagets patenterade teknologi LaminarPace, som utvecklar torra beredningsformer av produkter som i nuläget enbart finns i vätskeform.

Bransch: Sjukvård
Marknad: First North Stockholm
Tickerkod: ZICC
Certified Adviser: Erik Penser Bank



I grafen visas aktiekursutveckling och omsättning för valt bolag. Informationen är fördröjd med 15 min.

Aktuell Kurs
Utvecklingen i dag
Pressreleaser | 24 Jul 2023 | Ziccum

Ziccum säkrar andra Feasibility-avtalet…

Den 17 juli tillkännagav Ziccum ett nytt betalt utvärderingsprojekt – det andra avtalet signerat på bara två månader med ett stort globalt Pharma/Biotech-företag. Denna nyhet kom en dag före publiceringen…

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Pressreleaser | 20 Jul 2023 | Ziccum

Ziccums Q2-rapport - VD-uppdatering på…

Q2 2023 har utan tvekan varit ett av de mest spännande och produktiva kvartalen i Ziccums historia – med två betalda utvärderingsavtal, tre nya patentansökningar och fortsatt bekräftelse av bolagets…

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Rapporter | 18 Jul 2023 | Ziccum

ZICCUM AB (publ) Interim report Q2 2023

SIGNIFICANT EVENTS Q2 2023 (APRIL-JUNE) On May 9, Ziccum announced that it had signed a revenue generating Evaluation Agreement with a leading biopharma company to commence a Feasibility study regarding…

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Pressreleaser | 17 Jul 2023 | Ziccum

Ziccum signs Evaluation Agreement for…

As of today, Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) has signed a new Evaluation Agreement with a major global Pharmaceutical Corporation. The agreement is to perform a funded Feasibility study aiming to…

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Pressreleaser | 19 Jun 2023 | Ziccum

Ziccum sponsors the Global mRNA-Based…

Ziccum AB (publ) is sponsoring one of the most well-attended international events in the field of mRNA-based therapeutics in Boston MA, July 26-28. Ziccum CEO Ann Gidner will present the…

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Pressreleaser | 5 Jun 2023 | Ziccum

Ziccum joint proposal not selected for…

Ziccum AB (publ) (‘Ziccum’) has received notification from CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness), that its joint Expression of Interest, submitted in partnership with an mRNA-focused biotech company in January…

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Pressreleaser | 2 Jun 2023 | Ziccum

Ziccum appoints senior biopharma…

Ziccum AB (publ) has appointed Johny Humaloja as its new CFO. Johny is a financial executive with decades of experience in the biopharma and biotech industries in Europe and the…

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Pressreleaser | 30 May 2023 | Ziccum

Ziccum AB: BioStock Life Science Spring…

Vd Ann Gidner presenterar Ziccum under BioStock Life Science Spring Summit ( ) 30 maj 2023 med start kl 12.20.  Detta är ett pressmeddelande från BioStock – Connecting Innovation & Capital.

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Pressreleaser | 30 May 2023 | Ziccum

Ziccum AB: BioStock Life Science Spring…

CEO Ann Gidnerwill present Ziccum at the BioStock Life Science Spring Summit ( ), starting at 12.20.  This is a press release from BioStock – Connecting Innovation & Capital.

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Pressreleaser | 26 May 2023 | Ziccum

Aerosol and inhalation authority Per…

New Ziccum Board member Assoc. Prof. Per Gerde has over 55 peer-reviewed scientific papers and six patent families to his name. He is the original inventor of Ziccum’s drying technology…

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Kommande händelser

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