Upsales hjälper företag att skapa tillväxt med hjälp av molntjänster inom försäljning, marknadsföring och analys.

Bransch: Informationsteknik
Marknad: Firsth North Stockholm
Tickerkod: UPSALE
Certified Adviser: Erik Penser Bank



I grafen visas aktiekursutveckling och omsättning för valt bolag. Informationen är fördröjd med 15 min.

Aktuell Kurs
Utvecklingen i dag
Pressreleaser | 27 Jul 2023 | Upsales Technology

Penser Access: Kommer succesivt kunna v…

Svag ARR-tillväxt, men stark marginal Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till 36,7 mkr, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 13,9% y/y. ARR uppgick till 141,4 mkr, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 9,4%…

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Rapporter | 26 Jul 2023 | Upsales Technology

Upsales Technology AB (publ) - interim…

April – June 2023 (compared to the same period last year, Upsales group) •Net sales grew by 13.9% to MSEK 36.7 (32.2)•Annual recurring revenue (ARR) at the end of the…

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Pressreleaser | 19 Jul 2023 | Upsales Technology

Invitation to Upsales Q2 2023 webinar

The interim report for Q2 2023 will be presented on 26 July at 09:30 by Upsales Technology’s CEO Daniel Wikberg and CFO Elin Lundström. The report will be published at…

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Pressreleaser | 1 Jul 2023 | Upsales Technology

Upsales ARR update - Q2 2023

Annual recurring revenue (ARR) amounted to 141.4 MSEK at the end of Q2 2023, corresponding to a growth of 9.4% during the last 12 months. ARR changed by 0.0 MSEK…

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Pressreleaser | 9 Jun 2023 | Upsales Technology

Christian Nyberg joins Upsales as Chief…

Upsales strengthen sales leadership in the management team Christian Nyberg will join Upsales on August 7th as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), with the overall responsibility of managing and scaling the…

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Pressreleaser | 7 Jun 2023 | Upsales Technology

Upsales to host a seminar in Almedalen…

Anders Borg and cyber security expert Björn Weigel join Upsales CEO in discussing geopolitics, and cyber security during Almedalen week. On June 28th , Upsales will host a panel discussion…

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Pressreleaser | 4 May 2023 | Upsales Technology

Report from the Annual General Meeting…

The annual general meeting of shareholders of Upsales Technology was held today on 4 May 2023. The annual general meeting adopted, inter alia, the following resolutions. Balance sheets and income…

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Pressreleaser | 27 Apr 2023 | Upsales Technology

Penser Access: Ett mindre hack i kurvan…

Stark trend i ARR-tillväxt bruten Omsättningen i kvartalet uppgick till 36,2 mkr vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 22,7%. ARR uppgick till 141,4 mkr, vilket motsvarar en tillväxt om 17,4%, siffran…

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Rapporter | 26 Apr 2023 | Upsales Technology

Upsales Technology AB (publ) - interim…

January – March 2023 (compared to the same period last year, Upsales group)•Net sales grew by 22.7 % to MSEK 36.2 (29.5)•Annual recurring revenue (ARR) at the end of the…

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Pressreleaser | 19 Apr 2023 | Upsales Technology

Invitation to Upsales Q1 2023 webinar

The interim report for Q1 2023 will be presented on 26 April at 09:30 by Upsales Technology’s CEO Daniel Wikberg and CFO Elin Lundström. The report will be published at…

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Kommande händelser

24 Jul 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q2
23 Oct 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q3
19 Feb 2025 | Bokslutskommuniké 2024