

Integrum är ett medicintekniskt bolag som utvecklar och marknadsför system för skelettförankrade proteser.

Bransch: Sjukvård
Marknad: First North
Tickerkod: INTEG B
Certified Adviser: Erik Penser Bank



I grafen visas aktiekursutveckling och omsättning för valt bolag. Informationen är fördröjd med 15 min.

Aktuell Kurs
Utvecklingen i dag
Pressreleaser | 13 Jul 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Integrum's technology using…

The scientific paper illustrates how Integrum’s technology combined with advanced reconstructive surgery and AI for the first time, made it possible for an above-elbow amputee patient to control every finger…

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Pressreleaser | 22 Jun 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Integrum har informerats om…

Den vetenskaplig artikel som ärendet gäller publicerades i New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) i april 2020. Npof har granskat ärendet och meddelar i ett beslut daterat till den 21…

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Pressreleaser | 16 Jun 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Integrum appoints Jeffrey S…

”Establishing Integrum’s OPRA[TM] Implant System in the U.S. market is our key priority, and Thomas Dugan has made a great contribution in putting all the strategic building blocks in place…

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Pressreleaser | 12 Jun 2023 | Integrum

Redeye: Integrum Q4 - An undeserved blow…

Redeye provides an updated take on its outlooks for Integrum. We argue that the market fails to recognize the company’s pole position in the potential paradigm shift of its niche.…

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Rapporter | 8 Jun 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Bokslutskommuniké maj…

Fjärde kvartalet 2022/23 (februari – april) Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 18,1 (18,3) MSEK, vilket är en minskning med 1,1 % jämfört med motsvarande period föregående år. Rörelseresultatet uppgick till -7,2 (-0,5) MSEK.…

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Rapporter | 8 Jun 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Year End Report May 2022…

FOURTH QUARTER 2022/23 (FEBRUARY – APRIL) Net sales amounted to SEK 18.1 (18.3) million, which is a decrease of 1.1% compared with the corresponding period last year. Operating profit amounted…

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Pressreleaser | 8 Jun 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Shirley Ryan AbilityLab…

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is a global leader in the field of bionics – the study of mechanical systems that mimic parts of living organisms. The NIH grant will be used…

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Pressreleaser | 1 Jun 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Integrum invites to Open…

Integrum was founded in 1998, and over the 25 years, groundbreaking technologies have continuously been developed. For instance, more than 10 years ago, on January 29, 2013, in a patient…

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Pressreleaser | 1 Jun 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Integrum and collaboration…

Project HOPE evaluates how a smart textile-based rehabilitation concept can improve adherence to home-based rehabilitation and improve users’ neuromuscular status. The project is run within an interdisciplinary cooperation and calls…

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Pressreleaser | 29 May 2023 | Integrum

Integrum AB: Integrum appoints Supply…

Katarina Oderland has a long experience within supply chain and customer service management, as well as accounting, most recently working at Essity and Abigo Medical, and previously also with Ericsson.…

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Kommande händelser

29 Aug 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2025-Q1
25 Sep 2024 | Årsstämma 2024
26 Sep 2024 | Årligutdelning
4 Dec 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2025-Q2
3 Mar 2025 | Kvartalsrapport 2025-Q3
3 Jun 2025 | Bokslutskommuniké 2025