Biosergen är verksamt inom bioteknik. Bolaget är specialiserat inom forskning och utveckling av diverse läkemedel. Produktportföljen inkluderar exempelvis bolagets produkt BSG005, ett svampdödande läkemedel i klinisk fas.

Bransch: Sjukvård
Marknad: First North Stockholm
Tickerkod: BIOSGN



I grafen visas aktiekursutveckling och omsättning för valt bolag. Informationen är fördröjd med 15 min.

Aktuell Kurs
Utvecklingen i dag
Pressreleaser | 14 Aug 2023 | Biosergen

Biosergen AB: Biosergen publishes…

Summary of the Interim Report for Q2 2023 2023 2022 2023 2022 2022TSEK April-June April-June Jan-June Jan-June Jan-Dec Profit/loss Other income 2.456 1.409 7.771 2.726 5.183Profit/loss before -8.038 -7.963 -13.067…

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Pressreleaser | 11 Aug 2023 | Biosergen

Biosergen AB: The subscription price for…

Summarized terms for warrants series TO2:Exercise period: August 14 – August 25, 2023.Issue size: 8,595,531 warrants series TO2, which entitle to subscription of 8,595,531 shares. If all warrants are exercised,…

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Pressreleaser | 11 Aug 2023 | Biosergen

Biosergen AB: Biosergen publish…

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Pressreleaser | 7 Aug 2023 | Biosergen

Biosergen AB: Biosergen Announces…

This abstract will feature the clinical data obtained from the recently completed Phase 1 clinical trial evaluating the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of BSG005, Biosergen’s proprietary anti-fungal candidate from the…

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Pressreleaser | 12 Jun 2023 | Biosergen

Biosergen AB: Biosergen will present at…

It will be possible to ask questionas via e-mail, sms or twitter. Questions can be send in advance, latest 5 minutes before questions are started. Aktiespararna will receive questions via…

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Rapporter | 31 May 2023 | Biosergen

Biosergen AB: Biosergen publishes…

Summary of the Interim Report for Q1 2023 2023 2022 2022TSEK Jan-Mar Jan-Mar Jan-Dec Profit/lossOther income 5,315 1,317 5,183Profit/loss before depreciation (EBITDA -5,029 -5,018 -34,129Operating profit/loss before net financials -5,029…

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Pressreleaser | 31 May 2023 | Biosergen

Bulletin from the annual general meeting…

Resolution on adoption of accounts and allocation of the company’s resultThe annual general meeting resolved to adopt the profit and loss statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated…

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Pressreleaser | 10 May 2023 | Biosergen

Biosergen AB: Biosergen publishes 2022…

Biosergen CEO Peder M. Andersen commented: ”We are pleased to present Biosergen’s annual report for 2022. The most important event during the year was the successfully repeated dose escalation in…

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Pressreleaser | 28 Apr 2023 | Biosergen

Notice of annual general meeting in…

Right to participate and notice of participation Shareholders wishing to participate in the annual general meeting must: partly be listed in the company’s share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB…

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Pressreleaser | 5 Apr 2023 | Biosergen

Biosergen AB: Biosergen - Minskad risk…

Biosergen avser att genomföra en fas 2a-studie för att visa den potential som BSG005 har. I studien ingår testfall med olika svampstammar vid invasiv svampsjukdom hos patienter. Undersökningen kommer att…

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Kommande händelser

30 Aug 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q2
29 Nov 2024 | Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q3