Datum Källa Rubrik Typ Alternativ
2024-06-05 AcouSort AcouSort deltar i banbrytande projekt för att realisera potentialen i forskning om extracellulära vesiklar Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-06-05 AcouSort AcouSort to participate in a pioneering project to release the potential in extracellular vesicles research Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-05-28 Redeye Redeye: AcouSort - Riding the acoustic wave Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-05-24 AcouSort AcouSort utvalt av EIC för deltagande i BIO för tredje gången och inbjudet för att visa sina lösningar i ISCT:s Innovation Zone Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-05-24 AcouSort AcouSort selected by EIC for participation in BIO for the third time and also invited to showcase its solutions in ISCT’s Innovation Zone Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-05-22 AcouSort AcouSort AB - Delårsrapport för perioden januari till mars 2024 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-05-22 AcouSort AcouSort AB - Interim Report for the period January to March 2024 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-05-02 AcouSort AcouSort ställer ut på CYTO 2024 för att demonstrera fördelarna med akustisk provberedning för applikationer inom flödescytometri Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-05-02 AcouSort AcouSort will exhibit and present at CYTO 2024 – demonstrating the benefits of acoustic sample preparation for flow cytometry applications Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
Pressreleaser | 2 May 2024 | AcouSort

AcouSort will exhibit and present at CYTO 2024 – demonstrating the benefits of acoustic sample preparation for flow cytometry applications

CYTO 2024, the 37th annual Congress of the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry is an international conference on the many facets of cytometry science and engineering. In line with the company’s focus on novel opportunities within cytometry, AcouSort will participate in the conference to present its innovative solutions for sample preparation and the vital role they can play to improve flow cytometry outcomes. AcouSort has also been selected to present two posters highlighting the value of acoustofluidics sample preparation.

The first poster is presented by Dr Vera A Tang of University of Ottawa. During the spring of 2024, AcouSort has collaborated with Dr Tang and her team on the development of a new method for isolation of cells from dissociated tissue using the AcouWash. The poster describes how the AcouWash system is used to purify dissociated tissue samples and efficiently remove debris and dead cells from the target cells, something that is very difficult to do with other techniques. Dr Tang’s main conclusions are that sample preparation using the AcouWash system offers a low-cost, gentle, and effective way to ensure that downstream analysis is performed on high quality viable samples.

The second poster presents AcouSort’s in-house work on high throughput cell wash and show new data on efficient and gentle cell wash at flowrates up to 5 mL/minute combined with a 5x up-concentration. By using acoustic cell wash, contaminants can be efficiently removed from the cells in a one-step process while retaining more than 98% of the cells. Proliferation studies also show that the AcouWash technology is very gentle to the cells and that cell proliferation after acoustic processing is the same as for unprocessed samples. The results presented in the poster is a great example on how acoustic sorting can be rapid, efficient, and gentle to the cells, combining several sample preparation steps into one.

Flow cytometry has become an area of great interest to AcouSort, and we are thrilled to present our technology at CYTO in Edinburgh. We are also very proud tohave been selected for two poster presentations. Dr Tang’s poster shows how seriously we take our collaboration with academia and how rapidly such collaboration can produce concrete results. The results presented in the second poster demonstrate the strength of our continued development and innovation efforts,” says Agnes Michanek, Commercial Director at AcouSort.

About the CYTO conference
CYTO conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, May 4-8, 2024
Venue: Edinburgh International Convention Center
AcouSorts booth: #58

2024-04-30 AcouSort Kommuniké från årsstämma i AcouSort AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-30 AcouSort Communiqué from the annual general meeting of AcouSort AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-29 AcouSort AcouSort och Gensensor inleder samarbete som syftar till att förbättra bioreaktorodling Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-29 AcouSort AcouSort and Gensensor enter collaboration aiming at improving bioreactor culturing Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-26 AcouSort AcouWash placeras hos två potentiella OEM-partners Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-26 AcouSort AcouWash placed at two potential OEM partners Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-04 AcouSort Increased interest for AcouTrap EV isolation for nano flow cytometry applications Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-04 AcouSort Växande intresse för AcouTrap EV-isolering för nanoflödescytometri Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-03 AcouSort AcouSort restructures its North American sales operation Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-03 AcouSort AcouSort omstrukturerar sin nordamerikanska försäljningsverksamhet Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-02 AcouSort AcouSort AB Årsredovisning 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-02 AcouSort AcouSort AB Annual report 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-04-02 AcouSort Kallelse till årsstämma i AcouSort AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-03-13 AcouSort Aktieägarintervju med AcouSorts VD Torsten Freltoft och Commercial Director Agnes Michanek Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-03-13 AcouSort Shareholder interview with AcouSort’s CEO Torsten Freltoft and Commercial Director Agnes Michanek Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-28 AcouSort Bokslutskommuniké för AcouSort AB 1 januari - 31 december 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-02-28 AcouSort Year end report for AcouSort AB 1 January - 31 December 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-31 AcouSort Betydande tekniska framsteg i AcouSome-projektet – två nya patentansökningar inlämnade Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-31 AcouSort Significant technical progress in the AcouSome project – two novel patent applications filed Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-18 AcouSort AcouSort extends collaboration with leading cell therapy company into a third project phase Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-18 AcouSort AcouSorts samarbetet med ett ledande cellterapibolag expanderar med en tredje projektfas Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-16 AcouSort AcouSort attends Advanced Therapies Week to extend its cell therapy network Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-01-16 AcouSort AcouSort deltar i Advanced Therapies Week för att utöka sitt cellterapinätverk Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-19 AcouSort AcouSort: Styrelsen beslutar om återköp av teckningsoptioner serie 2020/2023 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-12 AcouSort AcouSorts företrädesemissionen är registrerad - omvandling av BTU till aktier och teckningsoptioner Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-12 AcouSort AcouSort's rights issue is registered - conversion of BTU into shares and warrants Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-11 AcouSort FDA approval paves the way for AcouSort's first OEM commercialization within critical care diagnostics Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-11 AcouSort FDA-godkännande banar väg för AcouSorts första OEM-kommersialisering inom intensivvårdsdiagnostik Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-04 AcouSort AcouSorts företrädesemission fulltecknad Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-12-04 AcouSort AcouSort's rights issue fully subscribed Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-30 AcouSort AcouSort offentliggör preliminärt utfall i företrädesemission Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-30 AcouSort AcouSort announces preliminary outcome of rights issue Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-27 AcouSort Sista dag för handel med uniträtter i AcouSort Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-27 AcouSort Last day of trading in unit rights in AcouSort Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-24 Analyst Group Analyst Group: Analyst Group kommenterar AcouSort och pågående företrädesemission Pressreleaser Visa Stäng
2023-11-15 Analyst Group Analyst Group: Aktieanalys på AcouSort - Fyller på kassan Pressreleaser Visa Stäng
2023-11-15 AcouSort BioStock: AcouSort om bolagsstatus och emission Pressreleaser Visa Stäng
2023-11-14 AcouSort AcouSort publishes an information memorandum in connection with the forthcoming rights issue of units Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-14 AcouSort AcouSort offentliggör informationsmemorandum med anledning av förestående företrädesemission av units Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-08 Analyst Group Analyst Group: Analyst Group kommenterar AcouSorts Q3-rapport Pressreleaser Visa Stäng
2023-11-07 AcouSort The Board of Directors' of AcouSort resolves on a rights issue of units of approximately MSEK 24.8 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-07 AcouSort Styrelsen för AcouSort beslutar om en företrädesemission av units om cirka 24,8 MSEK Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-07 AcouSort AcouSort AB - Interim Report for the period July - September 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-11-07 AcouSort AcouSort AB - delårsrapport för perioden juli - september 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-10-25 AcouSort AcouSort: Celltvätt med hög kapacitet för cellterapi - en viktig milstolpe mot nya OEM-partnerskap Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-10-25 AcouSort AcouSort: High throughput cell wash for cell therapy - an important milestone towards new OEM partnerships Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-10-18 AcouSort AcouSort presenterar på BioStock Life Science Summit den 26 oktober Pressreleaser Visa Stäng
2023-10-16 AcouSort AcouSort delivers fully functional test system for automated cell handling within cell therapy Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-10-16 AcouSort AcouSort levererar fullt fungerande testsystem för automatiserad cellhantering inom cellterapi Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-10-09 AcouSort CEO Torsten Freltoft presents AcouSort's opportunities in cell therapy and diagnostics at LSX Nordic Congress on October 10 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-10-09 AcouSort VD Torsten Freltoft presenterar AcouSorts potential inom cellterapi och diagnostik på LSX Nordic Congress den 10 oktober Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-29 AcouSort AcouSort presenterar sin unika teknologi för akusto-fluidik den internationella konferensen μTAS 2023 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-29 AcouSort AcouSort to present its unique acoustofluidics technology at the international conference µTAS 2023 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-19 AcouSort Continuously growing interest for AcouSort's research systems Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-19 AcouSort Kontinuerligt växande intresse för AcouSorts forskningssystem Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-14 AcouSort AcouSort deltar i prestigefyllda NIH Research Festival Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-14 AcouSort AcouSort to participate in the prestigious NIH Research Festival Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-06 Analyst Group Analyst Group: Aktieanalys på AcouSort - Global lansering väntar runt hörnet Pressreleaser Visa Stäng
2023-09-01 AcouSort AcouSort delivers AcouTrap system to Karolinska Institutet as part of the successful IndiCell project Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-09-01 AcouSort AcouSort levererar AcouTrap-system till Karolinska Institutet som en del av det framgångsrika IndiCell-projektet Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-24 Analyst Group Analyst Group: Analyst Group kommenterar AcouSorts Q2-rapport Pressreleaser Visa Stäng
2023-08-24 AcouSort AcouSort AB - delårsrapport för perioden april- juni 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-24 AcouSort AcouSort AB - Interim Report for the period April- June 2023 Rapporter Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-07 AcouSort AcouSort invited to give a lecture at the Acoustofluidics conference Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-08-07 AcouSort AcouSort inbjudet att föreläsa på Acoustofluidics-konferens Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-05 AcouSort AcouSort: Cellterapisamarbetet med ett ledande globalt life science-företag fortsätter att expandera Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2023-07-05 AcouSort AcouSort: Cell therapy collaboration with leading global life science company continues to expand Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng

Kommande händelser

26 Feb 2025 | Bokslutskommuniké 2024