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2024-05-24 Intellego Technologies Kommuniké från årsstämma i Intellego Technologies AB (publ) Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
2024-05-15 Intellego Technologies Intellego’s CEO exercises warrants to a value of approximately 16,2 million SEK. Former Board members also exercises warrants and Intellego receives approximately MSEK 21.2 Pressreleaser Ladda ner | Visa Stäng
Pressreleaser | 15 May 2024 | Intellego Technologies

Intellego’s CEO exercises warrants to a value of approximately 16,2 million SEK. Former Board members also exercises warrants and Intellego receives approximately MSEK 21.2

Intellego Technologies AB (publ) (“Intellego” or the “Company”) today announces the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO 2021/2024A and TO 2021/2024B (the “Warrants”), all of which were issued during 2021, by resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 5 May 2021. All warrants of series TO 2021/2024A were issued to Claes Lindahl, Intellego’s CEO. In total, all warrants of series TO 2021/2024A were exercised for subscription of 1,120,000 shares. Furthermore, warrants of series TO 2021/2024B were issued to the former Board members Henrik Börjesson, Anders Ardstål and Per-Ola Rosenqvist and to the current Board member Björn Wetterling. In total, 350,000 warrants of series TO 2021/2024B have been exercised for subscription of 350,000 shares. The subscription price per exercised Warrant amounted to SEK 14.40. Through the exercise of the Warrants, Intellego receives approximately MSEK 21.2 before issuing costs.

At the Extraordinary General Meeting in Intellego held on 5 May 2021 it was resolved on a directed issue of 1,120,000 warrants of series TO 2021/2024A to Claes Lindahl, Intellego’s CEO, and on a directed issue of 700,000 warrants of series TO 2021/2024B to the current Board member, Björn Wetterling, and to the former Board members Henrik Börjesson, Anders Ardstål and Per-Ola Rosenqvist. Each Warrant gave the holder right to subscribe for one share in the Company during the period from and including 29 April 2024 up to and including 29 October 2024. The subscription price for the Warrants amounted to SEK 14.40 per exercised Warrant.

All warrants of series TO 2021/2024A were exercised by the Company’s CEO for subscription of a total of 1,120,000 shares. The former Board members Henrik Börjesson and Anders Ardstål has in total exercised 350,000 warrants of series TO 2021/2024B, corresponding to 50 percent of the outstanding warrants of series TO 2021/2024B. As the exercise period for the warrants of series TO 2021/2024B runs up to and including 29 October 2024, more warrants of series TO 2021/2024B may be exercised. Through the exercise of the Warrants Intellego receives approximately MSEK 21.2 before issuing costs.

Number of shares, share capital and dilution
Through the exercise of the Warrants the number of shares in Intellego increases by a total of 1,470,000 shares, from 26,352,614 shares to 27,822,614 shares. The share capital increases by approximately SEK 52,500.00, from approximately SEK 941,164.80 to approximately SEK 993,664.80. The exercise of the Warrants entails a dilution of approximately 5.28 percent of the total number of shares and votes based on the number of shares and votes after the exercise of the Warrants.

Fredersen Advokatbyrå acts as legal advisor to Intellego and Carnegie Investment Bank AB acts as issuing agent in connection with the exercise of the Warrants.

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